Friday, August 17, 2012

California Dreams - S1:EP6 - "Friends First"

I was supposed to post this yesterday, but I got sidetracked with going to a job fair, interviewing for a job, accepting an offer from said job, filling out paperwork, etc.  So, loyal readers (I know you're out there somewhere) here's Thursday's entry a day late.  I'll try to post an entry tomorrow as well, but it might take me a bit to get back on my Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday posting schedule.

Without further ado, onto episode 6.

Opening scene: Sharkey's.

Tony comes over to the table and serves cheeseburgers to the gang.  They all tell him that none of them actually ordered cheeseburgers.

Tony tells them to eat them anyway so Sharkey doesn't find out that he messed up yet another order.  Sly agrees, but only if he doesn't have to pay.  Tony doesn't go for it and takes the cheeseburgers back.  On the way back to the kitchen, Sharkey catches Tony with the tray of cheeseburgers and demands an explanation. Tony mumbles something about the kitchen staff making a mistake.  Sharkey reminds Tony to write orders down.

Back at the table, Sly plays a tape of the Dreams for Sharkey.  Sly wants the band to have a regular gig at Sharkey's.  Sharkey says that it will take away from the money he earns from the jukebox.  I remember a similar situation on Saved By the Bell.  Max was upset about the girls all listening to the song by fictional musician Beau Revere, because it took away from the jukebox.

Jenny and Matt talk about an old friend named Teddy coming to visit.  Apparently, he was a tad on the pudgy side, as they call him "Shamu."  Tiffani tells them not to make fun of someone's size.  Across the room, a guy enters.  It's Teddy (not Shamu-like at all)  Matt greets him, and comments that he didn't recognize him.  He greets everyone, and tells them that he goes by "Ted" now.  Tiffany and Jenny are smitten.

Matt leaves the table.  Jenny and Tiffani immediately start arguing about who's going to ask him out.  They finally agree that neither of them will.  Several years ago, a friend and I made that same promise about a guy. They're married now.

In Matt's room, he and Ted are going through old pictures and reminiscing.  Jenny comes in and starts flirting with Ted.   She tells him how great the restaurants in the area are.  They talk about Italian food, and she recommends a place with a "killer caesar salad"  Ted says he'll check it out.  Jenny, thinking she's found a loophole in the promise with Tiffany, asks him if he's asking her out.  They agree to go out the following Saturday.

Tiffani walks in and asks if Matt has seen Jenny.  She walks right past him to talk to Ted.  She talks to him about movies, then "accidentally" drops the newspaper, which just so happens  to have the current movie times listed.  She's even highlighted the movie that Ted wants to see.  They agree to go together.

Tiffani leaves.  Ted looks smug.  Matt: you just asked out 2 best friends, you idiot.

Back in the garage, Tiffany tells Tony to write down the orders at Sharkey's.  Tony thinks writing down orders is "uncool"  No Tony, you know what's uncool?  Getting Rocky Mountain Oysters when you want Fried Pickles.  That's uncool!  Write down your customers' orders!

Tony's two other "Rules of Cool" are: Don't wear hats with clapping hands, and don't listen to NKOTB.

Tiffani tells him that if he doesn't want to write down the orders, he should improve his memory by eating fish.  He won't do that either.

Sly joins the gang to announce that he's secured a gig at Sharkey's.  Everyone is happy.  They ask how much they're getting paid.  Sly admits that they're not getting paid, but they're getting burgers!

Tiffani and Jenny hug and talk about how excited they are.  Matt's like "aww, I'm so glad you're still friends even though you're going out with the same guy!"  Tiffany and Jenny look at each other, and Matt realizes that Ted hasn't talked to the girls about the fact that he's going on a date with both of them.

Tiffani and Jenny start fighting about trust.  Tony tells them to chill out.  Jenny tells him to butt out.  Both girls say that they're keeping the date.

Next scene.  At the move theatre, Jenny points to the front row, and hands something to the usher.  The usher goes to Tiffani and tells her that she has a phone call.  Tiffani gets up.  Jenny goes to join Ted.  He admits that he's there with Tiffani, and Jenny tells him a bunch of fake stories about Tiffany's dad being really overprotective.  She tells him that Tiffani's dad invented his own form of martial arts - Kung Pao Ow!

Tiffani comes back and says that no one was on the phone.  Ted says that he should get her home.  Tiffany protests that the movie hasn't started yet, but Ted insists.  They leave, and Jenny sits in the theatre looking pleased with herself.

The next day, Jenny and Ted are out to eat.  Jenny tells Ted that she used to have a crush on him.  He asks her about the names she used to call him.  She tells him they were just affectionate nicknames.  Ted: "Blubber Butt?  Blimpo the Wonder Boy?"

Tiffani comes in with Sly, and tells Jenny that her black-belt father says "Hi-Ya"  Sly comes over to greet them and realizes that he hasn't been formally introduced.  Tiffani asks, "Sly, HAVE YOU MET TED?"  and I laugh a bit.

Sly heckles Ted a bit, then insists on pulling both tables together.  Ted looks uncomfortable.

Next Scene: Band practice.  Tiffani comes in, and greets everyone but Jenny.  They're about to start practicing "If it Wasn't For You" but Tiffani and Jenny both have a problem with it. -- each other's parts.

They both quit.

Back in the kitchen, Tony, Matt and Sly are moping about the loss of two band members.  Jenny stomps down the stairs and slams cupboard doors.  They she shrieks, "Where's the peanut butter?!?!"

The boys look perplexed.  Tony and Sly leave.  Matt tries to talk to Jenny.  Tiffani comes through the kitchen with her bass, explaining that she's bringing it home since she's not in the band anymore.  Matt begs them to work it out, and they start to cave.  Then Ted walks in.

....aaaaand the claws come out again.

Matt begs Ted to choose one of them to stop the fighting.  Oh, THAT sounds like a good plan.  Ted believes that the girls are like potato chips and doesn't want just one.

He can't decide and tells them he'll make his choice by the next day.  

At Sharkey's.  Matt replaces the California Dreams poster on the bulletin board with a different California Dreams poster. On stage, Tiffani and Jenny continue fighting.

The girls realize that the poster that Matt put up was a picture from the first time the band played together.  They think that Matt is trying to get them to talk again.  They start reminiscing.  Matt's plan worked.

They apologize and hug.  Everyone is happy.

Tony is taking an order, but not writing it down.  Sharkey asks him what he's doing, and he says that he memorized the order.  Sharkey's all "I'm impressed, but you're not even on the schedule tonight."

On stage, they perform "If It Wasn't For You."  Ted walks in.  Tiffani and Jenny look at each other.  

Sharkey and Sly talk about the band.  Sharkey likes them and wants them to perform again the following week.  Sly asks to talk about payment.  Sharkey likes the current plan of Burgers and Fries as payment.  Sly is disappointed.  Sharkey says, "Well, it's not Sinatra, but I'll throw in some onion rings too!"

Ted goes over to Jenny and Tiffani.  He made his choice, and pulls 2 tickets to a Sting concert out of his pocket.  He's taking the "winner" with him.  Tiffani and Jenny decide that they don't want to know, and take the tickets for themselves.  

Ted doesn't know what happened.  Matt tells him that he was nicer when he was fat and offers to buy him a milkshake.


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